viernes, 7 de junio de 2024



I will China sourcing agent,negotiation,dropshipping,inspection etc.

Hope this finds you well. 

I can be your sourcing agent in China.

Tired of a middle-men charging your higher prices?

Lower effectively communication with factory or salesman?

Delay the factory delivery time one time and one time?

Manufacture can't accept your Mini order?

Why I am a professional China sourcing agent?

Procurement process:

1.MARKET INFORMATION COLLECTION 1>Sourcing consult 2>Trading suggestions 3>Shipping suggestions 4>Industrial analysis

2.SOURCING REPORT WITH SUGGESTIONS 1>Sourcing report 2> Production time and shipping cost estimate 3>Product upgrade(Open mold)

3.SOURCING SAMPLE PRODUCTION SHIPPING 1>Sample collection and review 2>Negotiation 3>Production arrange. 4>Shipping arrange.
Much appreciated if you could assign this to the responsible party. 

We are dedicated to help small & medium overseas companies or individual sourcing from China.

Instead of your company adjusting to the needs of a buying agent, I will comply with your demands so everything you want comes to fruition.

Just tell us what exactly you want, we can give you a satisfied result or plan ! 

For more information, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,


Skype:+86 15919103357 

WhatsApp:+86 15919103357  
















This reminded Pao-yü that she was referring to a remark he had made on a previous occasion, but smiling to himself, he allowed the matter to drop.

She contemplated marrying for the second time, and she wanted my advice as a lawyer, and my encouragement as an old friend. I was quite ready; I only waited for particulars. Mrs. Norman became dreadfully embarrassed, and said: "I refer you to my brother-in-law."

"The wind was against us," replied Mr. Carlyle, wondering who the exquisite was at his wife's side. He thought he remembered his face.

After a noble course of some seventeen hundred miles it mingles its cloudy waters with those of the Amazon through a mouth eleven hundred feet wide, but such is its vigorous influx that many a mile has to be completed before those waters lose their distinctive character. Hereabouts the ends of both its banks trend off and form a huge bay fifteen leagues across, extending to the islands of Anavilhanas; and in one of its indentations the port of Manaos is situated. Vessels of all kinds are there collected in great numbers, some moored in the stream awaiting a favorable wind, others under repair up the numerous iguarapes, or canals, which so capriciously intersect the town, and give it its slightly Dutch appearance.

"Perhaps we have found a provision-store," said the doctor.

Lord Fawn was certain that Greystock had understood it well; and Greystock had in return insulted him because the engagement was broken off. But it is impossible to argue on facts with a woman who has been ill-used. "After all that has passed perhaps we had better part," said Lord Fawn.

"Where is he?"

Then cried Jack Straw:

"Well," continued Thornberry; "it is a long time since we met, Mr. Ferrars—ten years. I used to think that in ten years one might do anything; and a year ago, I really thought I had done it; but the accursed laws of this blessed country, as it calls itself, have nearly broken me, as they have broken many a better man before me."

"Good!" said the smiling Torres; "it is what you might call a betrothal journey."

Yü Ch'uan-erh thereupon crossed over and prostrated herself.

Lord George sat looking at her and thinking whether he would make the plunge and ask her to be his wife, with all her impediments and drawbacks about her. He had been careful to reduce her to such a condition of despair that she would undoubtedly have accepted him so that she might have some one to lean upon in her trouble; but as he looked at her he doubted. She was such a mass of deceit that he was afraid of her. She might say that she would marry him, and then, when the storm was over, refuse to keep her word. She might be in debt almost to any amount. She might be already married for anything that he knew. He did know that she was subject to all manner of penalties for what she had done. He looked at her and told himself that she was very pretty. But in spite of her beauty his judgment went against her. He did not dare to share his — even his — boat with so dangerous a fellow-passenger.

"And he knows nothing about them?"

"What did you dream of?" inquired Hsi Jen, smiling, as she tried to stifle her blushes, "and whence comes all this perspiration?"

"He at once proposed to bequeath the house as a free gift to the Benedictines. My mother thanked him and refused. She was thinking of me. 'If our son fails to inherit the house from his father,' she said, 'it is only right that he should have the value of the house in money. Let it be sold.'

Hence it was that Chia Cheng having, a few days back, heard his teacher extol him for his extreme abilities, he forthwith put him to the test on the occasion of their ramble through the garden. And though (his compositions) were not in the bold style of a writer of note, yet they were productions of their own family, and would, moreover, be instrumental, when the Chia consort had her notice attracted by them, and come to know that they were devised by her beloved brother, in also not rendering nugatory the anxious interest which she had ever entertained on his behalf, and he, therefore, purposely adopted what had been suggested by Pao-yü; while for those places, for which on that day no devices had been completed, a good number were again subsequently composed to make up what was wanted.

"He went into the dining-room, and mistress, who had been up stairs to see about the baby, went down to him; and there I heard them talking as pleasant and as natural as they always were together. Not one of them had the smallest sense of trouble hanging over them; and they put away both the decanters and cruets, and came up to bed in their proper order, the master stopping down just to finish his cigar and see to the doors and the bringing up the silver, because there was no man-servant now. And I heard him laughing at some little joke he made as he went into the bedroom. A happier household never went to bed, nor one with better hopes of a happy time to come. And the baby slept beside his parents in his little cot, as his mother liked to have him, with his blessed mouth wide open.

"It is all as clear as a pikestaff, John," said the lawyer.

"How say you, gentlemen of the jury? Guilty, or not guilty?"

This translation was suggested not by any pretensions to range myself among the ranks of the body of sinologues, but by the perplexities and difficulties experienced by me as a student in Peking, when, at the completion of the Tzu Erh Chi, I had to plunge in the maze of the Hung Lou Meng.

"Is he to be found?"

"They'll have to bear the trouble," they however argued, "to keep things in order, so it's only right that they should be left with a few cash to meet their various wants with; and how could we very well gobble our three meals without doing a stroke of work?"

We may confess, however, that in forbidding him to use his gun Minha had imposed on him a genuine privation. There was no lack of game in the woods, and several magnificent opportunities he had declined with regret.

"A long leave of absence," she observed.

"They are trying to introduce here the continental Liberalism," said the great personage. "Now we know what Liberalism means on the continent. It means the abolition of property and religion. Those ideas would not suit this country; and I often puzzle myself to foresee how they will attempt to apply Liberal opinions here."











lunes, 25 de marzo de 2024



I will Do Verify the factory,Sample Collection, Negotiation, Dropshipping, Shipping, After-Sales Follow-up, Search, Etc.
Hope this finds you well.
I can be your sourcing agent in China.

Tired of a middle-men charging your higher prices?

Lower effectively communication with factory or salesman?

Delay the factory delivery time one time and one time?

Manufacture can't accept your Mini order?

Why I am a professional China sourcing agent?

Procurement process:

1>Sourcing consult 2>Trading suggestions 3>Shipping suggestions 4>Industrial analysis

1>Sourcing report 2> Production time and shipping cost estimate 3>Product upgrade(Open mold)

1>Sample collection and review 2>Negotiation 3>Production arrange. 4>Shipping arrange.

Much appreciated if you could assign this to the responsible party.

We are dedicated to help small & medium overseas companies or individual sourcing from China.

Instead of your company adjusting to the needs of a buying agent, I will comply with

your demands so everything you want comes to fruition.

?Just tell us what exactly you want, we can give you a satisfied result or plan !

For more infomation, Pls feel free to contact me


Skype:+86 15919103357

WhatsApp:+86 15919103357 


They shook hands in silence, Esther looking at him with anxious surprise. He released her hand, but it did not occur to her to sit down, and they both continued standing on the hearth.

She looked at him. His handsome body, slowly broadening, was nearly full grown. His face, because of its full, clear, big, inscrutable eyes, had an expression which was almost babyish. She could not have guessed the depths it veiled. His cheeks were pink, his hands not large, but sinewy and strong. Her pale, uncertain, lymphatic body extracted a form of dynamic energy from him even at this range.

Esther felt vexed with herself that her heart was suddenly beating with unusual quickness, and that her last resolution not to trouble herself about what Felix thought, had transformed itself with magic swiftness into mortification that he evidently avoided coming to the house when she was there, though he used to come on the slightest occasion. He knew that she was always at home until the afternoon on market days; that was the reason why he would not call for her father. Of course, it was because he attributed such littleness to her that he supposed she would retain nothing else than a feeling of offence towards him for what he had said to her. Such distrust of any good in others, such arrogance of immeasurable superiority, was extremely ungenerous. But presently she said —

"Ay, but that lucky minute, father? I question much if Catharine ever has such a moment to glance on earth and its inhabitants as might lead her to listen to a coarse ignorant borrel man like me. I cannot tell how it is, father; elsewhere I can hold up my head like another man, but with your saintly daughter I lose heart and courage, and I cannot help thinking that it would be well nigh robbing a holy shrine if I could succeed in surprising her affections. Her thoughts are too much fitted for Heaven to be wasted on such a one as I am."

'Then, doubtless, you could have been more polite to me, Mr Holt,' said Esther, rising and placing herself at her worktable. 'You seem to prefer what is unusual and ugly.'

'There is no hypocrisy in that, Lady Lufton.'

She led the way to the door — a creature to be pitied, if ever there was a pitiable creature yet: a woman whose whole nature was maternal, who was nothing if not a mother; and who had lived through sixteen years of barren life, in the hopeless anticipation of recovering her lost child!

Amelius said no more. If he had felt the smallest suspicion that the disclosure volunteered by Mrs. Farnaby, at their first interview, had been overheard by the unknown person who had opened the swinging window in the kitchen, he might have recalled Phoebe's vindictive language at his lodgings, and the doubts suggested to him by his discovery of the vagabond waiting for her in the street. As it was, he was simply puzzled. The one plain conclusion to his mind was, unhappily, the natural conclusion after what he had heard — that Mrs. Farnaby had no sort of interest in the discovery of Simple Sally, and that he need trouble himself with no further anxiety in that matter. Strange as Mrs. Farnaby's mysterious revelation seemed, her correspondent's knowledge of the fault in the foot was circumstance in his favour, beyond dispute. Amelius still wondered inwardly how it was that the woman who had taken charge of the child had failed to discover what appeared to be known to another person. If he had been aware that Mrs. Sowler's occupation at the time was the occupation of a "baby-farmer," and that she had many other deserted children pining under her charge, he might have easily understood that she was the last person in the world to trouble herself with a minute examination of any one of the unfortunate little creatures abandoned to her drunken and merciless neglect. Jervy had satisfied himself, before he trusted her with his instructions, that she knew no more than the veriest stranger of any peculiarity in one or the other of the child's feet.

She turned away from the fire wondering at herself. "What baseness is there in me that fears death? What have I got to live for now?" The open letter on the table caught her eye. "This will do it!" she said — and snatched it up, and read it at last.

And here we must acquaint our reader that, though the private interchange of looks betwixt Catharine Glover and the young mountaineer indicated some interest on the part of the former in the conduct of the latter, it would have puzzled the strictest observer to discover whether that feeling exceeded in degree what might have been felt by a young person towards a friend and inmate of the same age, with whom she had lived on habits of intimacy.

Cowperwood was thinking how easy it would be to combine this line with his dreamed-of Seventeenth and Nineteenth Street line, and after a time and with this in view he added:

Mrs. Hilary nodded. She was looking very fresh in a sprigged dress.

"Especially the latitude, " said the astronomer, whose eclipse was never out of his thoughts; "and I expect your brave companions are as eager as yourself. Double pay beyond the seventieth parallel!"

"You are skilful in such service, good Henry Gow," said the maiden, smiling, but at the same time drawing farther from her lover.

"Never mind," he replied; "it can't be helped now. Where is my strong, determined Aileen? I thought you were going to be so brave? Aren't you going to be? I need to have you that way now."

"Have with you in half an hour," said Oliver, "and see who will quaff the largest flagon, or sing the loudest glee. Nay, I will be merry in what remains of Fastern's Even, should Lent find me with my mouth closed for ever."

'What else do you know about Bycliffe? '


'What a hang-dog countenance he has, ' said that lady.

"Captain Craventy?"

Where birds with chiming streamlets vie

Not finding him at his office, he drove direct to his house. Here he was not surprised to meet Stener just coming out, looking very pale and distraught. At the sight of Cowperwood he actually blanched.

"Eighteen dollars," suggested a trader standing near the door, more to start the bidding than anything else. Frank paused.

"And any water?"

The old man was flustered, enraged, disappointed. He opened the small office door which led into the adjoining room, and called, "Owen!"

The fatal moment was approaching. Diurnal or nocturnal observations gave the exact position of the island, and consequently of the ice-field. On the 30th of April, both were together drifting across Kotzebue Sound, a large triangular gulf running some distance inland on the American coast, and bounded on the south by Cape Prince of Wales, which might, perhaps, arrest the course of the island if it should deviate in the very least from the middle of the narrow pass.


One day the sportsmen returned to Fort Hope, bringing with them an unpleasant-looking animal, which neither Mrs Paulina Barnett nor the astronomer, Thomas Black, had ever before seen. It was a carnivorous creature of the plantigrada family, and greatly resembled the American glutton, being strongly built, with short legs, and, like all animals of the feline tribe, a very supple back; its eyes were small and horny, and it was armed with curved claws and formidable jaws.

I man? uvred round those soldiers. They were cavalry in a very slovenly uniform, dark-blue blouse, and light-blue trousers unstrapped, cut spoon-shape over the boot; cartridge belt, revolver, peaked cap, and worsted gloves — black buttons! By the mercy of Allah I opened conversation with a spectacled Scot. He had served the Queen in the Marines and a Line regiment, and the 'go-fever' being in his bones, had drifted to America, there to serve Uncle Sam. We sat on the edge of an extinct little pool, that under happier circumstances would have grown into a geyser,. and began to discuss things generally. To us appeared yet another soldier. No need to ask his nationality or to be told that the troop called him 'The Henglishman.' A Cockney was he, who had seen something of warfare in Egypt, and had taken his discharge from a Fusilier regiment not unknown to you.

Before beginning to work Hobson called the head carpenter to him, and asked if he thought the house could bear the weight of the avalanche.

Indeed the day after his incarceration she drove out and looked at the grim, gray walls of the penitentiary. Knowing nothing absolutely of the vast and complicated processes of law and penal servitude, it seemed especially terrible to her. What might not they be doing to her Frank? Was he suffering much? Was he thinking of her as she was of him? Oh, the pity of it all! The pity! The pity of herself — her great love for him! She drove home, determined to see him; but as he had originally told her that visiting days were only once in three months, and that he would have to write her when the next one was, or when she could come, or when he could see her on the outside, she scarcely knew what to do. Secrecy was the thing.

"Oh, don't be too hard on her," coaxed Cowperwood diplomatically. He already liked Aileen very much. "She plays very well, and she has a good voice."

"Shake hands on that saving grace."

"Well, I'm not sure that I've been able to do anything for you. I'm afraid not," Butler said, cautiously. "It' s a hard job you set me. Mollenhauer seems to think that he'll support the market, on his own account. I think he will. Simpson has interests which he has to protect. I'm going to buy for myself, of course."

I said, 'O Soul, make merry and carouse,

"Are any of the women friendless creatures, who came to you from England? "

"More so. Con, you ought to grow pestifera — no, that's not the name — that hairy anemone thing."

For otherwise it is manifest that we shall have to pay for each step of moral and intellectual progress with a fresh start, with a conflict between the new organization and the old from which it sprang, a perpetually-recurring parricide. There will be a series of religious institutions in developing order, each containing the remnant too dull or too hypocritical to secede at the time of stress that began the new body. Something of the sort has indeed happened to both the Catholic and the English Protestant churches. We have the intellectual and moral guidance of the people falling more and more into the hands of an informal Church of morally impassioned leaders, writers, speakers, and the like, while the beautiful cathedrals in which their predecessors sheltered fall more and more into the hands of an uninspiring, retrogressive but conforming clergy.

"The Cowperwoods! The Cowperwoods! I'll not have any talk about the Cowperwoods. I'm not takin' my rules from the Cowperwoods. Suppose they have a fine house, what of it? My house is my house. I want to live here. I've lived here too long to be pickin' up and movin' away. If you don't like it you know what else you can do. Move if you want to. I'll not move."

"If you have no other evidence of your innocence, Sir John Ramorny," said the King, "we may not, in respect to your followers, refuse to the injured widow and orphans, the complainers, the grant of a proof by ordeal of bier right, unless any of them should prefer that of combat. For yourself, you are, by the Prince's evidence, freed from the attaint."

Jaspar Hobson could not refrain from remarking on this peculiarity to Mrs Barnett, who replied somewhat hastily that she supposed that there were-in spite of all that had been said to the contrary-no tides in the Arctic Ocean.


余明远团队这次在海上动手,其用意是非常简单的,那就是劫货烧船。你封港不让我做买卖,那咱大家谁都别好。我找人在海上把你的货点了, 闹出大动静,也让你们蒙受巨额损失,并且在官方上线。



















"这事的关键在于后续影响,我们只要能把货推到滩头就可以。"苏天御低头扫了一眼手表:"我马上再联系一下官方关系,看他们能不能帮忙 。"


"不要考虑什么台阶,什么回旋余地了,你不搞疼他,搞怕他,他们肯定不会先跟你服软的。"苏天御显然知道余明远在担心什么,所以果断补 充道:"追注就要追狠的,抱着压爆他的想法。"






































"公司命门都被摁住了,这次必须搏一把。"苏天御趴在二哥耳边低声说道:"你这样,你们出去之后,你安排人在……。"< /P>




"办点事儿。"王道林穿好衣物,撇嘴骂道:"妈的,老子堂堂警署司级干部,这特么天天啥也不干,就给苏家跑腿了!哎,但……但你偏偏还 拒绝不了,你说怪不怪?!"


domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2023

Re:will Do Verify the factory,Sample Collection, Negotiation, Dropshipping, Shipping, After-Sales Follow-up, Search, Etc.

Hope this finds you well.
I can be your sourcing agent in China.

Tired of a middle-men charging your higher prices?

Lower effectively communication with factory or salesman?

Delay the factory delivery time one time and one time?

Manufacture can't accept your Mini order?

Why I am a professional China sourcing agent?

Procurement process:

1>Sourcing consult 2>Trading suggestions 3>Shipping suggestions 4>Industrial analysis

1>Sourcing report 2> Production time and shipping cost estimate 3>Product upgrade(Open mold)

1>Sample collection and review 2>Negotiation 3>Production arrange. 4>Shipping arrange.

Much appreciated if you could assign this to the responsible party.

We are dedicated to help small & medium overseas companies or individual sourcing from China.

Instead of your company adjusting to the needs of a buying agent, I will comply with

your demands so everything you want comes to fruition.

?Just tell us what exactly you want, we can give you a satisfied result or plan !

For more infomation, Pls feel free to contact me


Skype:+86 15919103357

WhatsApp:+86 15919103357 
